Voir ce sujet sur le forum Londonfurs - Summer Weekender 2014 11 Juil 2014, 18:00 => 23:15, London Tower Bridge

11-07-14 Boat Party (near Tower Bridge)
12-07-14 Summer Party

More info soon :P
Re: Londonfurs - Summer Weekender 2014
LFD stands for LondonFurs Dance? Is that a dance party?
Re: Londonfurs - Summer Weekender 2014
It's a clue to the theme of the event :P which will be announced soon!

The Boat party is a dance on a boat that goes up and down the river thames:

This is the video advert from last year:

The Summer Party is a Big meet that happens at a bar (we tend to get 300 - 500 furs) which involves alot of drinking / a fursuit walk and a dance room :)

This is a link to LAST YEARS event

I will post links and updates soon but this is just an announcement of the date so people can book hotels / time off work! x
Re: Londonfurs - Summer Weekender 2014
Man that sounds insanely cool :o